Monday, June 17, 2013

#MorningAfter (June 17, 2013)

Hi Guys, 
As you guys know, my last blog post was a #FridayReads post. I listed three books that I would be reading/trying to finish this weekend: Legend by Marie Lu, The Island (novella) by Jen Minkman, and False Memory by Dan Krokos. On Mondays, I will do a blog post, #MorningAfter, in which I'm going to share with you the books from #FridayReads that I finished. I don't know if there are any other hash-tags like this, if there are, I apologize, I couldn't find any. To my knowledge this is a very original idea. If you guys want to take part, all you have to do is post on social media sites: "#MorningAfter" and the books you finished. This would be a very neat thing to get started, I would love to see the books everyone completed over the weekend. Anyway, on to the books that I completed this weekend:

The first book I finished this weekend was Legend by Marie Lu. I LOVED this book, it was so original and well thought-out. I loved the characters, the plot, the setting, just EVERYTHING about this book. Well, not everything... the last couple pages were just sort of "bleh" for me, but it doesn't take away from the whole novel. If you want to see my full thoughts on this novel, and what my rating of it is, you will have to stay posted on the blog, my review is coming soon.

The next thing I read was a novella entitled: The Island by Jen Minkman.  This was an okay read for me, I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. The characters were okay, I thought that the relationship between Walt and Leia was put together way too quickly, which I understand it's a novella, but I just didn't buy it. The plot was good for the most part, I loved the Children of the Corn/Lord of the Flies vibe I got from it, but the Star-Wars concept wasn't something I liked. The whole story was just sort of weird to me, which isn't always a bad thing, I just couldn't connect because I don't know that much about Star-Wars, and this was a major part of the book. If you like Star-Wars and dystopian novels, check this book out, if not... I think it's a decent read, but I don't think it will be your favorite. Enter The Island at your own risk. I give this novella 2/5 stars.

 The last book I read this weekend was False Memory by Dan Krokos. I read about 128 pages into the novel, but I've yet to finish it. So far I'm really enjoying it, even more so now that there is an extra sci-fi element added into the mix of action. I love the fast-paced plot, and also the characters and plot are great too. I'm looking forward to finishing this novel this week. 

Well, these are the books I finished/started this past weekend. Again, let me know what you read, by using the hash-tag on a social media site, I would love to see it. I hope you guys enjoyed this post, and I'll see you again tomorrow with a book review of Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon, I can't wait to get that review off my chest.

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